Looking for Temporary Account Assistant / Account Executive / Accountant!!!

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Hai korang.. Aku nak mintak tolong ni.. Aku nak cari siapa-siapa yang berminat untuk kerja temporary. Below ni syarat-syarat dia ye.. :

  1. Contract / Temporary based from January - July 2015.
  2. Anyone with at least a basic in Account. Tak kisah sijil, diploma or degree. Salary will be based on qualification & experience.
  3. Fluent in English both in writing & speaking.
  4. Office Hour (Mon - Thurs) : 8.00am - 4.30pm.  (Fri) : 8.00am - 2.30pm
  5. Office in 157 Hampshire. Near Ampang Park, Bank of China.
  6. Relaxed environment. Tak busy. Tak perlu OT. Sesuai untuk mothers or anyone seeking experience.

More details will be given out for those interested. Siapa-siapa yang berminat mintak tolong email resume / detailed CV together with Expected Salary to : amalina.sehabudin@gov.se . Thank you.


Aku seriously suggest this job for SAHM or WAHM yang tak plan untuk keje long term. Just gain some experience. Belive me, it's totally worth it. Keje ni tak busy jadi korang tak perlu risau balik lambat ke apa. Memang sesuai untuk orang yang dah ada anak. Bab gaji.. tak perlu risau sebab akan based on qualification & experience.

Environment keje tak stressful. Busy tu standard lah sekali sekala but tak stress.. In terms of transportation paling dekat LRT Ampang Park. Pegi keje je la sesak sikit sebab office hour start 8.00am tapi balik keje tak sesak pun sebab pukul 4.30 orang belum balik keje lagi kan..

OK. Kalau korang berminat or kenal siapa2 yang mungkin berminat tolong inform dorang & email detailed CV with Expected Salary kat aku ye..

Thanks korang... :)


  1. kenapa tarikh post ni 30 nov 2014? :)

    1. Sebab ni sticky entry yang...smpai 30 nov entry ni will be on top..

  2. Salam. Hee saya pun dekat dengan ampang park.

  3. salam...masih ada kekosongan lagi?


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