5 Easy Steps to Create and Maintain a Positive State of Mind (HypnoBirthing)

(Credit to MyNaturalChildBirth.org)

Step 1 – Commit Yourself to Practicing Positive Hypnobirthing Techniques
As with anything else if you want it to truly work for you, you must first commit yourself to it. If you commit yourself to this it is guaranteed to open up a whole new world for you that will not only help you through your pregnancy and natural childbirth, but will continue to improve the quality of your daily life.

Step 2 – Recite Daily Hypnobirthing Affirmations
Affirmations are positive suggestions that help to arrange your state of mind to feel great. Pin them on your bathroom mirror and read them to yourself every morning upon waking and every night before going to bed, either out loud or in your mind. Another idea is to record yourself saying these affirmations and listen to them during your day.

So take some time to think about and write down some positive things that you would like to remind yourself of. They should be statements that make you feel safe, they should invoke positive, peaceful, calm and loving feelings about your pregnancy and birth. And remember to always use positive phrasing.

Here are some examples of positive hypnobirthing affirmations:
“I love my pregnant body and I feel Great!”
“I know that my baby is growing healthy and strong inside of me now.”
“I trust birth, and I allow my body to easily lead me.”
“I know that there is no limit to how deeply I can relax.”
“I look forward to our birthing time.”
“I know that my baby will be born peacefully.”

Step 3- Avoid Negative Self Talk
This seems pretty simple right? Do not talk bad about yourself. Do not put yourself down. And stop complaining.

Step 4- Avoid Negative People and Situations
Having a natural childbirth you are going to face all sorts of opposition, this can come from friends, family, doctors and even complete strangers. Stand firm in your beliefs and don’t let anyone succeed in filling you with their fears.

If you know there are going to be certain situations or people that are going to be negative, try to avoid them at all costs until after your birth! I know that this is not always possible which is why next I am going to teach you my personal favorite in Step 5.

Step 5- Create and Use Your Bubble of Peace and Protection
This is a magic bubble that you create around yourself that protects you and your baby by acting as a kind of sheild repelling all negative thoughts, ideas, energies and suggestions. At the same time that it is keeping these bad things out, it is also protecting and strengthening feelings of peace, comfort and love inside of it. Your magic bubble of peace and protection is easy to create and is available for you to use instantly at any time or place!

Once you feel yourself completely surrounded in this light your bubble of peace and protection is ready to be used. Remember that it is available to you at any time! Use it whenever you feel that you may need to shield yourself, such as before you go into a public place, or at doctors appointments, when you around certain people, or in any stressful situations. All you have to do is imagine that bubble of light around you and it will instantly be there working for you!
