A few changes...

Just nak inform korang....

  1. Aku tukar nama blog ni from My Journey Through Everything. Nice.. kepada... Mrs Emme... Kenapa? Saja bagi orang confuse..boleh? Ngeh3...Tapi url aku tak tukar pun. Sbb someone nasihatkan aku jgn tukar. Nanti org lain xboleh follow or cari blog aku. Ok. Fine....
  2. Header,sume tu...nantilah aku tukar! Malas betul. Hehehe...
  3. This week & next week aku ada personal problem sikit so korang jangan terkejut kalau blog ni macam gloomy & dark. Don't worry. Aku OK... Nanti aku post entry macam biasa..k?
  4. Thinking of letting go a LOT of stuff from my wedding. Ada yg new & ada yg da guna masa wedding. Yang new tu sebab aku tamak. Beli tapi xsempat nak guna. Keh3.... Should I or shouldn't I? Nak jual sayang tapi xtahan tgk barang2 tu tak berguna...
  5. Aku da off word verification utk comment. Sebab aku rasa annoying. Hehehe...
  6. To Dear Artika. Thanks for your email..I will share info pasal hypnobirthing & breathing techniques tu. Gimme some time. Tgh fikir2 camne nak share. Sbb hypnobirthing tu I got pdf files yg nak share & breathing techniques tu I belajar masa antenatal class. Camne nak ajar orang lain eh?? Errrr....kalau I explain & ajar dalam bahasa rojak takpe ke??
  7. Jgn ingat I expert on hypnobirthing & breathing techniqes ni plak. Sakit Braxton-Hicks tak sama dgn sakit bersalin. Time Braxton-Hick boleh la lagi nak berteknik bagai. Tah2 time bersalin ke laut teknik aku nih! Hahahaha... ;)


  1. malin, time bersalin nti teknik dan segala cara tu akan datang dgn sndiri :)

    1. yeke?mudah2an la...takut gak panik time bersalin pastu sume terus lupa.hehe

  2. nak tengok barang kawen! cepat2 upload, kot2 ada yang i bule tangkap! :D

  3. xsabar tgu malin share pasal teknik pernafasan tu..huhu..
    about problem,positive positive nt baby pon jadi org yg positif..=)))
    xsabar gak nak tgok benda2 yg nak let go tu..maybe berguna utk adriacottage.blogspot.com =)

  4. hi..i artika..hehe..if u dont mind, harap dpt share that pdf file..hihi..thank you.. noor_artika@yahoo.com


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