PREGNANCY BRAIN : Is it a myth?

Ever heard of "Pregnancy Brain" ?

Pregnancy brain is a condition that affects expectant mothers, usually during the first and third trimesters. Sometimes known as placenta brain or baby brain drain, the condition is usually characterized by short-term memory loss or forgetfulness. The effects of pregnancy brain vary greatly among women. They can be as simple as forgetting phone numbers that one has dialed for years or placing toilet paper in the fridge. One mother-to-be drove home only to find she had arrived at a previous home she had not lived in for six years.- wiseGEEK

Why did I even mention about this? Because I am suffering from Pregnancy Brain. It is so bad its not even funny anymore. Aku tau aku bertuah sebab tak mengalami morning sickness. Alhamdulillah.. Aku baca tentang m2b lain yang suffering from morning sickness. Ramai kwn2 yg cakap aku bernasib baik sebab tak mengalami morning sickness. But do they even understand what I'm suffering now? Adakah dengan tak mengalami morning sickness tu maka pregnancy journey aku tak lengkap? Siapa kau utk persoalkan kehamilan aku?

Nak tahu perkara2 yg pernah terjadi pada aku?
  1. I failed to remember certain2 things like meetings, appointments, the date, the day & even the time. It is irritating sebab I need to jot down everything, somewhere I can always see. Or else I will forget that I've written it down.
  2. Masa dekat cashier, I asked Mr H.. " Do you want this mineral water or should we buy it outside?" while waving the bottle to him. He said " Just get 1". And what I did was put the bottle down, pay for everything else & walked away. When he asked "B,where's the mineral water?". Ok. We laugh hysterically when we realized I totally forgot to buy it. But that has NEVER happened to me before!
  3. I constantly asked him where we're going after this even after we've made plans!
  4. I forgot to lock my cars (both of them) at night! Only realized it the next morning bila nak pegi kerja. Luckily takde sape perasan. Huhu~ But this happen on more than 1 occassion!
  5. Always forgetting dah lock pintu rumah ke belum so malam2 masa tinggal sorg2 asyik turun bawah, check pintu. Rasa macam OCD plak. Hehe..
  6. Semalam perut meragam sebab masuk angin. Puncanya aku terlupa nak lunch. Logik kah? Bila malam perut sakit & rasa nak muntah je. Kesian baby. Pil yg doctor bagi pun aku terlupa nak makan sebab layankan perut ni. Haisshhh...
  7. Masuk kedai or pegi mana2 then lupa apa tujuan pegi sana. D'uh!
  8. Mr H belikan tempat letak pill tu (ok.seriously aku tak boleh ingat nama menatang tu!!). Yang ada compartment to put your medicine according to your dose..And it is written every day of the week so aku boleh tgk kalau aku ade missed out pada hari2 tertentu. Every Sunday kena refill balik utk seminggu. Ini supaya aku tak lupa supplement yg aku ptt makan setiap hari. Before this aku selalu lupa da makan pil ke belum. Gila tak? Kalau aku makan terlebih utk satu2 hari..ada effect pada baby x?

And these are the thigs that I didn't even tell Mr Hubbee sebab tak nak dia risau sangat2 :
  1. I forgot how to drive my car! Balik keje, start enjin..... Then...blur. Apa aku patut buat eh? Its not even funny sebab aku bawak kereta auto sekarang! If aku terlupa cara drive manual mungkin lagi la. Tapi ni auto weyh!! Sikit lagi aku nak kol Mr H. Luckily lepas aku duduk lama2 dlm kereta baru aku ingat balik.
  2. When the traffic lite turns green tiba2 aku tak tau camne nak masuk gear!It takes some time to remember!
  3. I don't know where my mind goes but the last thing I remember is I'm at my office's parking lot and the next thing..I'm stuck in traffic jam at Pasir Gudang Highway! Why the hell did I even went that way??Selalunya balik keje aku ikut jalan dalam kot!
Well...sebenarnya banyak lagi contoh yg aku boleh bagi. Mungkin pada org lain kelakar. But not for me. It's making me frustrated. Sebab sejak dari dulu aku adalah seorang yang cepat ingat sesuatu. Masa belajar aku adalah seorang pemalas. Aku just focus masa cikgu/lecturer mengajar kat depan and I'm done. No more revising or studying. Homework pun xpayah buat.Yes.Aku pemalas. ;p

Even when I read something I just need to read it once and aku dah boleh ingat. I can even remember every little things that happened around me (should I choose to remember it). Do you think it is fun forgetting something? Something that you would never ever forget if you're not pregnant??

A simple explaination of Pregnancy Brain Taken from What To Expect.
Pregnancy Brain — What It Is  Pregnancy-induced brain fog, a true (and truly frustrating) hallmark of pregnancy. You may forget appointments, what you just walked into the store for, where you left your purse, whether you turned off the stove — and maybe, your phone number.

Pregnancy Brain — What Causes It As usual in pregnancy, it's just your pregnancy hormones having some fun, this time at the expense of your memory. And believe it or not, your brain-cell volume actually decreases during the third trimester of pregnancy (which could explain why you can't remember what you just read about in that last paragraph). Not to worry, your brain will plump back up a few months after delivery.

Pregnancy Brain — What You Need to Know First of all, pregnancy forgetfulness is completely normal — and extremely common. It's also temporary — you'll have total recall again long before you start to have your "senior moments." And try not to be too hard on yourself, as stress will only cloud your pregnancy brain even more.

Pregnancy Brain — What You Can Do About Forgetfulness During Pregnancy

  • Write it down. If you really need to remember something — an appointment or to take your prenatal vitamin, for example — leave a big note in an obvious place. You might also stash a notepad and pen in easy-to-remember spots like your purse, your car, and your bathroom.
  • Turn high tech — using your Blackberry, laptop, or other electronic organizer to help keep you, well, organized and less forgetful.
  • Reduce the number of things you need to remember — cut down on what you're responsible for by delegating some jobs to others. Easier said than done, but worth a go. (You'll forget about the less important stuff, anyway.)
  • Have a sense of humor about this airhead stage and encourage your partner to do the same. Who cares if you left the car keys in the refrigerator?
  • Forget about taking the herbal supplement gingko biloba. This "memory-booster" has not been proven safe for use during pregnancy.
  • Expect the haze to hang in during the first weeks after you give birth. Postpartum fatigue may take the place of hormones as the primary culprit, but that too shall pass.
So...mummy/m2b..pernah experience benda ni tak? Kalau ada share la apa petua/cara yg korg gunakan. Seriously I need help. Before I had total amnesia. Hehehehe.... ;)

P/S : Watched movie "The Vow". Agaknya kalau aku kena amnesia camtu agak2 laki aku sanggup ke buat cam Channing Tatum dalam cite tu? Keh3... Harapan!


  1. Moga dipermudahkn segalanya... Amin

  2. Sama la..xd morning sickness tp dok melalut gitu gaye..

    1. haha...tu la.sometimes it is annoying kan bila jadi camni? :)

  3. maybe you shouldn't be alone or doing things on your own..make sure ada ngn sesiapa la so that die boleh remind kan you..take care eh...

    1. usually kat ofis my friends,colleague & subordinate yg akan remind me mcm2.but other times tu yg buat masalah.esp sebab me & hubbee LDM. so everything mmg kena buat sendiri..thanks dear... :)

  4. wah hebatnya pembawaan baby u ni.semoga tabah

  5. Cak! Congrats dah berbadan dua. semoga tabah dan selamat semenye. kita jugak masih blom ada rezeki (^^,)v anyway, dik kita nak tanya, shawl stripy kuning mcm yg purple awak bagi kita ms beli bawal tone aritu, available lg x? tanya je. klu ada, kita nak beli. sbbnye, sgt ske pki yg purple tu.

    1. Tq...insyaallah nnt ade la rezeki tu.. :)

      Shawl yg corak camtu eh?xpastila.nnt kena cek stok blk.sbb lama gak xupdate shawl2 tu.ade yg da jual tp xupdate pn kt fb.hehe..nnt I pm eh.. :)

    2. x pe. awak check dulu. bkn nak urgent pon. bila2 pon x pe. thanks yer :)

    3. Dear...yg shawl design tu mmg da xde stok la.tu yg last..sorry yea.. :)

    4. ops sorry. lama x jengok blog. bz sket. haa ok x pe. klu ada, rezeki. klu xde, xde rezeki la. thanks anyway :)


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