Contact Lens Murah & Terbaek!!

Harini saye nak promote 1 blog nih. Jgn salah faham Saye takde dapat komisyen pun utk promote blog nih. But something yg I realize, kebanyakan b2b nak pakai contact lens mase wedding day dorg tapi tak tau nak cari katne..kan? Ok. Let's see.....

I started using contact lens since 2005. Mase tu contact lens tak glame macam sekarang. And mahal. Started with Acuvue but switch to Soflens38 or Soflens55 sebab Acuvue tak sesuai dgn mata I. Selama ni I'm using transparent lens je sebab mata yg rabun ni memerlukan power yg berbeza. Lagipun coloured ones mahal lah! Hehe...

Bila start keje kadang2 bila ada duit lebih I pun belilah yg coloured ones. Tapi sekali sekala je...One thing I noticed coloured contact lens ni lagi cepat buat mata kering dari yg transparent. I'm using contact lens up to 12hours a day so I mmg sgt3 mementingkan hal2 keselesaaan ni. Until last year, I found this one blog. Since harga dia murah, I ordered 2 pairs. Just nak try dulu camne..... The result? Kaler yg cantik, selesa and mata yg besar! Hehe... I only bought hazel or brown coloured contacts sbb tak nak nampak fake sgt. But the result is stunning! Meh tgk contoh :

Mase bertunang... Using 3 tone contact lens

Using 2-tone contact lens...but still yg mata besar punye.hehe...

Nak tau the price for these contact lens?
1~5 pairs : 
1tone RM20
2tone RM22
3tone RM24
Extra RM26
Animation RM34
 Kat mane saye beli? Klick kat bawah ni...
Mirror Store
I'm sharing with those b2b out there yg tgh mencari2 kat mana nak beli contact lens ni. My favourite brand is Geolens. Contact lens ni boleh guna 6 bulan but usually I guna 3 months je. Sebagai langkah berjaga2. Kadang2 kalau dah bosan pakai sebulan je pastu tukar. Berlagak kan? Hahahahahaha.... For my wedding tgh fikir2 lagi nak pakai kaler ape, design yg mane..... 
 P/S : ape2 pun utamakan keselesaan dan keselamatan mata korg ye kawan2..... ;)


  1. thnks nasib la kak long tak pakai contact lens ni...heheheh ;)

  2. thank sharing. saya pon suka pakai lens. tak lengkap kalau tak pakai lense sbb tak selesa paka cermin mata.

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