My cousin's wedding

Las weekend (11-13 March 2011) kami sekeluarga ke Manjung, Perak untuk menghadiri wedding one of my cousin. So..... let's review her wedding!! *winks*  ;)

Selamat Pengantin Baru to Intan & Fendy!!! Semoga kekal sampai syurga... =)

Her solemnization... Sweet... =)
The hantarans.....

The bride & groom...
Her dais... Lovely!!
Me with the bride..'s another picture of our "activities" mase kat Perak ari2..
Happy Birthday to my niece, Sarah (12.03) & my daddy (16.03)!!=)
Sedap kek ice-cream nie...tgkla sape yg beli.muahahahahaha... ;P

Birthday girl & birthday grandpa. hahahahahaha....

Our family activities, bertukar2 hadiah... Mak Jun & Mak Za yg plg bersemangat nak main game ni...
Tapi...akhirnye dorg yg dpt hadiah plg kecik. hahahahahaha... 2 la...main game xikhlas!
