What is wrong with me??

Entri kali ni pendek je..Dari petang tadi saye sakit kepala. Xtau nape. Migrain maybe...Then lepas maghrib tadi asik muntah2. I think da almost 10x saye muntah...
Nasib baik la tgh period. If not rase2nye sure2 parents saye ingat saye pregnant.hahahahahaha..

Tapi sedih la..bile tgh sakit2 cmni Mr Fiance xdpt dihubungi. Die balik kampung sebab one of his relatives passed away. I'm very whiny bile sakit so if he's not around saye xtau nk mengadu/merungut kat sape..

Whining kt this blog je la...heheeeeee....K la..badan pun da lembik sbb constantly throwing up. Nak tido. I'm OUT!!! Selamat Malam fellow bloggers.. =)


  1. dear, take care of urself yea...kalau still not in good condition hari ni better jumpa doktor...

  2. tq dear...actually smlm da gi jmpe doctor..
    i'm feeling better today..
    tq.. =)

  3. tq kina...
    and also congratz sbb menang contest dina halim.. =)


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