Mode : Membebel..

I'm an 'organized' person. And i'm damn stubborn too.So bile anything doesn't go my way..I will make a fuss.A BIG FUSS (except sometime my boo-boo berjaya pujuk.but a big emphasis on the SOMETIMES)..

  1. I want a small intimate wedding whereby org2 yg dtg adalah di kalangan family & kawan2 rapat sahaja. I mean about 1k++ people shj. But blame it on my father's position now my wedding guest cecah almost 4k++ people!!Tak ke terpitam korg dengarnye??aku yang menanggung ni lagi la..4k++ guest!!!Makan, seating, pelamin, doorgift, everything need to be on a grand scale 2 fit that 4k++ guest..And everything will cost MONEY...
  2. Aritu pegi kedai brg2 pengantin with my parents (kedai my dad pny kawan). Actually aku xde berkenan ape2 pn kt situ. Then some more that uncle and aunty keep pushing me soh amik tu,amik ni..harga kalau murah xpe.Ni sume push yg bapak mahal!beli kt kedai lain lg murah kot. Pas2 my dad tibe2 leh confirm order doorgift. Aku mmg xberkenan langsung dgn doorgift 2. Dala mahal. pas2 confirm xle fit into paper bag yg ade dlm kepale hotak aku ni. Doorgift utk VIP aku redha je la.Sebab mmg aku xde idea nk bg ape. Then ayah pn beria2 nak doorgift 2. Yg aku bengang psl doorgift biase 2. 1pcs mahal dekat RM0.60 dari kedai lain.RM0.60 x 3000pcs = RM1,800 OK!!KO DA GILE KE??INGAT AKU COP DUIT?!!Tapi ayah da confirm. Benci2!!Saye xnak bayar utk doorgift 2..Ayah.Sila cancel sekarang..Please..
  3. Pre-wedding photoshoot. I don't have any idea on the theme yet. But it will be an informal one.I ask Mr Fiance about it and all he said was, "Tahla.xde idea.sukati la"..Mmg la sukati aku tp everytime aku bg idea sume kene reject.ko xhangin cm2??Da tau idea2 aku sume 'corny', 'cliche', 'xcreative' la idea yg bernas sket!!Ade gak aku amik gmbr sorg2 je utk pre-wed ni.da byr deposit ok..duit 2 bukan dpt dr langit. Dari membazir burn cm2 je baik aku yg amik gmbr lawa2 sorg!
  4. Untuk hantaran aku berangan nak bagi cincin yg engraved nama both of us. I will wear my ring and he will wear his. As a proof that both of belong to someone (kire cm tanda 4 other girl to stay away from him la.hehe..ceh!!). But die reject. Alasan die, die xsuke pakai cincin. Hello!!If aku xpakai cincin tunang ni ape ko rase??Aku pn bukan ske sgt pakai cincin besar2 nie.berat la jugak.And aku slalu terscratch diri sndiri dgn cincin nie.But did u hear me complaint?no..because this is ur ring.And i appreciate it (plus it is so 'bling2' so i like it very2 much!hehe).I only ask u to wear a simple ring. bukan ade diamond2 pn...Sedey tul. U have ur marks on me. But i can't leave a mark on unfair. I think i will stop wearing my engagement ring now...
  5. He cut my budget for hantaran!!Okey..I agree to have a small engagement and all the hantaran semua brg murah2. Why?because i thought.."ok.xpe..nnt kawin leh bg hantaran yg ok2 sket.lgpun i dont need all those thing right now.I need it later.After we're married"..But last night he cut down my budget!!Alasan die.."bagi brg murah2 je kn boleh..jimat la sket.kite kan nak kawin". That's it.Sedey...Tiada mood utk cari brg2 hntrn lg.Bagi je la ape2 ponnnnnnnnnnn.............. =(
  6. Saye nak baju nikah lain.Period.

Saye da penat membebel. Sekian... =(


  1. mizzunderstood..jangan la cmni...perangai tunang u tu sebijik mcm tunang i.i nk cincin couple for nikah dia kata takyah bazir je.laki takyah pakai cincin.but i dont care.he must!haha.takpe nnt dia pakai la tu.u beli je.n make sure u tau size dia.konon2 surprise!hehe

    babe,jgn down k pasal dia cut bajet brg hntrn.takpela.dia ade masalah duit kot...takpe.tak semestinya yg murah tu tak bagus.i pun beli cheap2 aje..more to food.mmgla kalau hajat di hati nk bg mcm2.tapi ongkosnya dong...jangan merajuk lebih2 ye..kesian en.tunang kamu..

    ah pasal pre wed photoshoot tu kalau dh byr heret je dia.hehe.tunang i pn tak tau pejadah pre wed lps explain kata nk pakai utk bunting dia mcm agree la 50%..haha asalkan tak libatkan byk duit.hire kawan yg pandai amik gmbr je :)

    bab doorgifts tu no komen la sbb tetamu i tak sbnyk tu.1k pn tak cecah VIP whatsoever.famly n frens lah VIP nye..hehe..discuss dgn ur dad kata u takde bajet byk tu..jgn meroyan sorg2 k.nt stress :)

    *look whos talking.lisa pndai je bg nasihat.tang diri sndri meroyan gak kekekeke*

  2. hahahaha...tq da meroyan la nie..
    kalau xmeroyan kt cni mau meroyan kt luar.baik meroyan kt cni kn?hehe..
    ni nk melepaskan tensi je.pasni ok la balik..
    tq 4 ur advice dear... =)

  3. haha kelakar la u ni...take ur time..slow2..tunang i lagi la tak setuju lgsg psl pre wed utk bunting i ingt nk amik pic time tunang je..huhu...take care:)

  4. sy baca post awk ni dlm nada dok baca post lisa lisut dlm keadaan laju2 xtau npe..hahaha..
    jgn la cmni nama nya dugaan org bertunang..act..tang hantaran dgn tunang mmg nk cut budget..sbb nk gune duet tu pas kawen..hahaha..leh tak? ktorg nk joli pas kawen..hehe
    apa2 pun kena slow talk dgn encik tunang awk la..bwk2 berbincang..apa2 pun..gud luck k..
    xmau marah2 k =)

  5. chill. mslh u ni rmi yg rs gak kut. psl bajet tu, kita kena lah redha je. hantaran tu kan apa yang dia nk bg so terpulang lah. ur majlis u susun la as u wish.

    psl ayah u tu, tak dapek den nk nolong. i hadapi yg sama. kwn i rs nya ada lah plg rmi pun 100-200. tp mak aih dia punya kwn smpi guest nk cecah 2k. huhu. xtau nk buat apa. sme gk doorgift ayh i nk tntukn. sbr la k.

    redha jela. klu x redha cuba fight utk kemahuan u sndiri. :)

  6. Relakx babe, nanti ilang seri, huhu.

    Bab hantaran punya budget tu kena cut, takpelah. I suggest you let go and tak payah kusut-kusut. My hantaran pun budget kecik je. Because we'll be needing money for our newlywed life kan. Nak beli barang rumah semua. Expensive gifts tu bila2 lepas kawin pun dia boleh bagi lepas dah ada financial stability.

  7. tq guys...sorila.meroyan kejap la td..
    emosi plak.hehe..
    its just that bile korg da plan mcm2 then tibe2 byk yg kene tukar..ssh sket nk adapt.hehe..
    don't worry..i'll be fine.saje lepaskan tensi td..

    tq anyways!!sgt2 hepi bile tau b2b lain pn ade problem yg same i'm not alone.yeay!! =)

  8. dear...sabar beb,mmg i pon rase tertekan jugak ok darling...lately byk bad luck jadi kat i..kekadang rase mcm xnak kawin..coz sume ade..marah + sentap..heheheheh...boleh gitu?
    juz slow talk dgn ur fiance...kalau die xsuke ring..pakse jugak die pakai small simple ring pon jadi la...(hey, tu mesti tande untuk menunjukkan die dah kawin ok)...huhuhuhuh
    my fiance pon same..die xsuke gak pakai alhamdulillah last2 die agree jugak...
    u jgn marah2 ok adik manis...take care!

  9. babe, br bekesempatan nk bce entry ko..
    nk tergelak aku bce..(ooppss, org meroyan, aku gelak plak..ehehe)...

    chill3....dugaan weyh...sabo!!

    eh, dia xnk amik pre wed, jum aku teman ko..kite bedua incek tunang pun xmo amik pre wed..kire kite join venture je la..hahaha...

  10. nadya : hehe..wajib la i pkse die.tggu la i play mind games ngan die.last2 mesti die terpakse pakai pny.hahaha.tq dear.. =)

    malin:2 la..tensi aku.mamat ni bukan xnk amik pre-wed.die ok bile aku mtk idea sume xtau,tahla,sukatila..bile aku bg idea aku sume kene reject.2 aku bengang 2.silap2 aku amik gmbr pre-wed sorg2 je la.alang2 da byr...pas2 aku wat banner sebesar2 alam then pampang muke aku sorg je.puas ht!hahahahahaha.. ;)

  11. heheheheh, my fiance pon x nak amik pre wed nye gbr ok....geram i...sampai i cakap, kalau u xnak sudah..nanti kalau sume penuh gbr i u jgn sentap!hahahaahahah

  12. hahaha..betul 2..
    jgn sentap if muke the bride je yg terpampang besar2.nk amik pre-wed pn ssh sgt..geram betul kn??
    i dont care..i've already asked my besties 2 come 2 the photoshoot.if my fiance wat hal i amik gmbr ngn my besties je!hahaha *evil* ;)


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